Your Dentist In Clearwater In The News

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Below you will find various pieces of media including video, online news articles, publications and more covering your dentist in Clearwater, Dr. Paul Rodeghero and his team at Clearwater Family Dental.


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Lawrence Gough – Patient Patient Success Story after Root Canal Tooth Removal and Cavitation Surgery

Lawrence Gough 11-19-2021 “My name is Larry Gough and I am 62 years old....

Irene Leon – Patient Success Story after Root Canal Teeth Removal

Irene Leon 11-8-2021 “My name is Irene Leon and I am 48 years old. I felt...

Mona Lim – Patient Success Story after Root Canal Teeth Removal and Cavitation Surgery

Mona Lim 8-18-2021 "Hi I’m Mona Lim, I’m 57 years old. Wow I’ve been...

Donna Seaman – Patient Patient Success Story after Root Canal Teeth Removal and Cavitation Surgery

Donna Seaman 6-13-2020 “My name is Donna Seaman and I came in and had Dr....

Lilian Sonne – Patient Success Story after Root Canal Teeth Removal and Cavitation Surgery

Lilian Sonne 8-9-2021 “ I am Lilian Sonne, 61 years old this year, yay!...

Debra Demoss – Patient Success Story after Root Canal Teeth Removal and Cavitation Surgery

Debra Demoss 11-19-2019 “My name is Deborah Demoss and about a year and a...

Dr. Tadeousz – Patient Success Story after Dead Tooth Removal

Dr. Tadeousz 8-19-2021 “My name is Dr. Tadeousz and my age is 64. I had a...
root canal pain

Root Canal Pain

Root Canal Pain Root canals come under a branch of dentistry called...
dental implants

Dental Implants Are A Long Lasting Solution

Dental Implants Are A Long Lasting Solution A lot of cosmetic dentistry...


Periodontitis Your periodontist is your best friend, because he will you...

Oral Surgeons

Oral Surgeons When you make a decision to go with a certain oral surgeon...
root canal treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment A root canal removes infected dental pulp and any...
Dental Implant Dentist

Dental Implant Dentist

Dental Implant Dentist The main medical use of dental implants is to...


Veneers Procedure Having a nice smile is a very important thing in a...
periodontist near me

Periodontist Near Me

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The Tooth Implant Process

The Tooth Implant Process And Dental Implants

The Tooth Implant Process And Dental Implants Dental implants consist of...
Oral Surgeon Near Me

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Veneers Vs Crowns

Veneers Vs Crowns

Veneers Vs Crowns Veneers have long been used to create what people think...

Learn How To Care For Your Gums From A Periodontist

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oral surgeon

Oral Surgeon

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root canal

Root canal

Root Canal A root canal is a very common and standard procedure in...

Veneers Versus Bad Habits

Veneers Versus Bad Habits People's teeth discolor over time, usually...
dental implants

Dental Implants For A Great Smile

Dental Implants For A Great Smile When your tooth can't be saved, all is...


Periodontist There are very good reasons for seeking the advice of a...
oral surgeon

Who Is The Best Oral Surgeon For You?

Who Is The Best Oral Surgeon For You? There are a lot of different dental...
root canal

Do I Need A Root Canal?

Do I Need A Root Canal? Do I need a root canal? My tooth is painful, and...

Veneers Will Fix Your Smile

Veneers Will Fix Your Smile Are you a good candidate for veneers? If you...

Veneers And Coffee

Veneers And Coffee Veneers are great for handling the discoloration of...
dental implants

Dental implants

Dental Implants You may have heard about dental implants, but do you know...

Your Periodontist And Your Gums

Your Periodontist And Your Gums Your periodontist is there to help you...
oral surgeon

Ask Your Oral Surgeon About Smoking

Ask Your Oral Surgeon About Smoking If you smoke you may need to visit...
root canal

What Is A Root Canal?

What Is A Root Canal? What is a root canal? A lot of people who haven't...

Your Periodontist Will Help You Attain Healthy Gums

Your Periodontist Will Help You Attain Healthy Gums Our skilled...
oral surgeon

Fillings Without Numbing

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root canal

Save Your Tooth With A Root Canal

Save your Tooth With A Root Canal A root canal can be a scary prospect...

Veneers For A Natural Looking Smile

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dental implants

Dental Implants Then And Now

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Visiting The Periodontist

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oral surgeon

Your Choice Of Oral Surgeon

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root canal

A Root Canal Can Save Your Tooth

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Get Veneers And Smile Like A Celebrity

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Dental Implants Are A Growth Market

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The Future Of The Periodontist

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The History Of The Periodontist

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The History Of The Oral Surgeon

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The History Of The Root Canal

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Veneers And The Hollywood Smile

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How Your Periodontist Can Help You And Your Baby

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You Have Found Your Experienced Oral Surgeon

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Get A Bottle Opener Not A Root Canal

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Get A Great Smile with Veneers

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Things Not To Do If You Want to Save your Teeth

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Flossing And The Periodontist

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The Advantages of our New Solea Laser

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Toothbrush or Root Canal

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Oral Cancer – Are you at risk?

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With Michael Douglas’s diagnosis of stage IV oral cancer it has become widely known that cancer of the throat and tongue is now a serious concern. This type of cancer has traditionally been found only in those who smoked or drank heavily. However, today there are increased incidences of throat and tongue cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. Up to 50 percent of the 34,000 cases of oral cancer diagnosed each year are caused by HPV.

You may wonder how Michael Douglas’s cancer progressed so far without being detected. When a tumor is located far down the throat it is very difficult to be seen with the naked eye. Fortunately, HPV positive throat cancer has a higher survival rate and now with the new OraRisk Test the infection can now be detected long before physical symptoms occur. According to the New England Journal of Medicine HPV – squamous cell carcinomas – respond more favorably to traditional chemo and radiation treatment.

Your dentist is the first line of defense in early detection of HPV positive throat cancer. They now have available to them a noninvasive, easy-to-use screening tool for identifying the various levels and types of oral HPV infection. If you are concerned that you may be at risk do a quick assessment of the following:

  • Do you smoke or chew tobacco?
  • Do you frequently drink alcohol?
  • Do you have an occasional cough, sore throat or earache?
  • Are you sexually active?
  • Do you have a family history of oral cancer?

If you answered yes to some of these questions then you may be a candidate for the OraRisk salivary test developed by Oral DNA lab. If the test comes back positive but there are no visible lesions then it would be monitored over the next six months. Very often the HPV infection can be eliminated by the patient’s immune system. If the test is positive and there are lesions present the dentist would refer you to an ENT Medical specialist.

If you have reason for concern talk to your dentist or you can find out more about this simple test by visiting or

Dr. Paul Rodeghero, a 1983 graduate of Ohio State University Dental School, practices at Clearwater Family Dental, 215 S. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, Florida.

LANAP Laser Periodontal Therapy

ifoundmydoctor.comFor patients with moderate to severe gum disease, LANAP offers a less invasive, more patient friendly alternative to traditional gum surgery.

Click Here to read a recent article featured on explaining the LANAP Laser Periodontal Therapy™ treatment procedure and the many benefits of Laser Periodontal Therapy.

Article Title: Gently Defeat the Hidden Dental Destroyer
Author: FHCN – Lynn York

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Food and Drug Administration Takes a Stand on Amalgam (Mercury) Fillings

The Food and Drug Administration has taken a new position on the use of Mercury fillings, which it submitted to the “Mercury International Negotiation Committee” in April of 2011. The proposal calls for “a phase down, with the goal of eventual phase out by all Parties, of mercury amalgam.”

The State department calls for:

  1. Educating patients and parents about amalgam, and
  2. Training of dental professionals on the environmental impacts of mercury in dental amalgams.

“The U.S. position marks the beginning of the end of amalgam globally,” said Charlie Brown, from the National Counsel of Consumers for Dental Choice.

Dr. Rodeghero is a member of the International Academy of Medical and Oral Toxicology. The organization has a specific protocol for safely removing mercury silver amalgam fillings. This procedure is used on amalgam filling that appear to be breaking down and possibly releasing toxic mercury into your system. If you have any questions please feel free to call Clearwater family Dental at 727-687-3552 and schedule an introductory consultation for a nominal fee.

Written by: Ginger Rodeghero

Your Mouth is the Gateway to Your Body’s Health

Your dentist is often the first health practitioner to notice signs of disease in your body. From heart disease to diabetes or arthritis to cancer, the dentist can spot indicators in your mouth that send up a red flag about your overall health. There is a direct correlation between the effects of periodontal disease (gum disease) and the health of the entire body.

Periodontal disease is caused by a bacterial infection which damages the gums and bones around the teeth. The bacteria in the gums can travel to many area of the body where it can have detrimental effects. Plaque is the main cause of gum disease but it can be easily treated by the dentist.

The oral cavity provides a direct access through the blood stream to the heart. A Study in the Journal of Periodontology found periodontal bacteria in the arteries of 9 out of 15 patients with coronary artery disease.

Patients with diabetes should talk to their dentist about special needs they may have. Individuals with poorly controlled type two diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease. One study on diabetic patients found an improved blood sugar count of as much as 20 percent after treatment for periodontal disease.

Proper dental care is important for those who suffer from arthritis. A recent study showed people with rheumatoid arthritis were more than twice as likely to have periodontal disease.

Finally, studies show that pregnant women with periodontal disease may be at an increased risk for a pre-term delivery.

If you fall into one of these categories or have sore gums that bleed when brushing than you should see your dentist routinely. Working together your concerns can be handled putting your mind at ease. The good news is periodontal disease is treatable and with regular brushing and flossing a person can improve the overall health of their entire body.

If you are interested in finding out how periodontal disease may be affecting you,
please contact Clearwater Family Dental, 727-442-3363.

Gum Disease- The Silent Disease

Gum disease is a silent disease; you can have it and not even know it. There are identifiable risks factors that make some people more susceptible to gum disease than others. Find out how susceptible you are by taking the following quick assessment.

Do you now or have you ever used cigarettes, cigars, pipe, chew or snuff? Do any other members of your household use tobacco?

Tobacco use is the most significant risk factor for gum disease.

Do you have any of the following risk factors for heart disease or stroke: Family history of heart disease, high Cholesterol, tobacco use, high blood pressure?

Untreated gum disease can increase your risk for heart attack and stroke.

Have you ever taken any of the following medications:

Dilantin anti-seizure, Cyclosporin immunosuppressant or blood pressure medication such as Procardia, Cardizem, Norvasc, Verapamil

A side effect of some medications is to cause changes in your gums.

Has anyone in your family had gum problems?

The tendency for gum disease to develop can be inherited.

Have you recently been dealing with any of these major stressors: death of a family member, loss of job, divorce or separation, injury or illness, change in finances, marriage, pregnancy, retirement?

Major stressors have a definite adverse effect on your immune systems.

Has anyone in your household been screened for the presence of gum disease?

The bacterium, which causes gum disease, may be spread to a spouse or other members in your household.

Do you have osteoporosis or one of the following risk factors for osteoporosis: post-menopausal, a family history of osteoporosis, early menopause, Rheumatoid Arthritis, inadequate exercise or smoking?

Osteoporosis can affect the jaw bone. If you have Osteoporosis you are more likely to lose teeth is you allow gum disease to persist.

Any family history of diabetes or any of the following warning signs of diabetes: frequent urination, excessive thirst, excessive hunger, weakness and fatigue, cuts heal slowly or unexplained weight loss?

Diabetics are more prone to gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease makes it harder for diabetics to control their blood sugar. When gum disease is eliminated, diabetics improve their blood sugar control.

Do you have any family history of Alzheimer’s disease?

Researchers are now investigating the role of poor oral health and gum disease in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

FEMALES- Are you pregnant or planning to become pregnant?

Gum disease can make it up to eight times more likely that you will have a pre-term or low weight baby.

Are you overweight?

Being overweight has been linked with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and gum disease.

If you have one or more of the above risk factors, see your dentist soon and discuss with him your concerns. The progression of gum disease can be halted, but don’t wait; your good health depends upon it.

By: Ginger Rodeghero

Sponsored by Clearwater Family Dental

Dr. Paul Rodeghero’s office is located at 215 S. Myrtle Ave. He offers a wide variety of alternative dental services, including LANAP Periolase Gum Therapy™, safe amalgam removal and alternative root canal therapy. Call 727.442.3363 and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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