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The History Of The Root Canal

The History Of The Root Canal

The History Of The Root Canal The Root Canal, like a lot of dental procedures, has a longer history than some might think. Philip Pfaff, a German dentist, carried out the first root canal in 1756. He drained the tooth and filled it with gold. This means the root canal...

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Veneers And The Hollywood Smile

Veneers And The Hollywood Smile

Veneers And The Hollywood Smile Veneers have been associated with great smiles for a long time. They originated in Hollywood and gave us a lot of those great smiles you have seen on the silver screen. Charles Pincus from California, in 1928, pioneered his version of...

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George Washington & Dental Implants

George Washington & Dental Implants

George Washington & Dental Implants Dental Implants were not always the natural looking things that they are today. The legend that George Washington had wooden teeth turns out not to be totally true, in some ways it's worse. Imagine sporting a combination of...

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How Your Periodontist Can Help You And Your Baby

How Your Periodontist Can Help You And Your Baby

How Your Periodontist Can help You And Your Baby The effects that gum disease can have are far reaching, so speak to your periodontist. If you are a pregnant mother your oral health actually has an impact on the baby. Moderate to severe gum disease increases the risk...

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You Have Found Your Experienced Oral Surgeon

You Have Found Your Experienced Oral Surgeon

You Have Found Your Experienced Oral Surgeon When you have found yourself a good oral surgeon and a dental practice where you really like the staff that you are dealing with, getting any kind of dental procedure done seems so much easier. We have worked hard to create...

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Get A Bottle Opener Not A Root Canal

Get A Bottle Opener Not A Root Canal

Get A Bottle Opener Not A Root Canal Popping the cap off bottles with your teeth is a great party trick until you crack a tooth goes and it needs a root canal. It's easy to damage teeth or neglect them, and sometimes the repair work that needs to be done is a little...

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Get A Great Smile with Veneers

Get A Great Smile with Veneers

Get A Great Smile with Veneers Veneers serve a number of different functions in terms of fixing your smile.Veneers are designed to look natural, and as well as handling problems with tooth color, they can also be used to correct size and shape issues. Having a great...

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Things Not To Do If You Want to Save your Teeth

Things Not To Do If You Want to Save your Teeth

Things Not To Do If You Want to Save your Teeth When you lose teeth it can change the whole shape of your face, but with dental implants that doesn't need to happen. People do all kinds of things with and to their teeth that cause damage and in some cases loss of the...

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Flossing And The Periodontist

Flossing And The Periodontist

Flossing And The Periodontist If you are engaged in regular flossing, as well as cleaning your teeth properly, your periodontist is going to love you. If you are engaged in actively maintaining your oral health, and you are doing all the things that your dentist has...

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The Advantages of our New Solea Laser

The Advantages of our New Solea Laser

The Advantages of our New Solea Laser As an Oral Surgeon you want to make sure that your patient has the best possible experience when they come to see you. You want the work that needs to be done to go as smoothly as possible, and you want the recovery time to be as...

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