Coffee, Cigarettes, & Veneers
Coffee and cigarettes go hand in hand for a lot people, but you might have to add veneers to that list. Whereas the first two are considered cool and sophisticated, the tooth discoloration that results from them isn’t. Given enough time using these two habit-forming items and the damage they cause becomes a little harder to manage. When you look in the mirror and see that deteriorated smile you are going to want an effective solution, and veneers offer that.
Don’t worry, veneers are designed to look natural. You may have changed things in your life by cutting back the smoking and the coffee, but your teeth still look bad. Veneers can help you get back the smile you used to have – the rest of you is healthy, and your smile should reflect that.
Bring Back That Bright Smile, Get Veneers Now!
If you are curious about what is involved in the process of getting veneers, contact us. We are able to answer any questions that you might have. We want you to have the best smile possible, and to have great oral health. We understand that sometimes having a large procedure can be somewhat intimidating, so we like to educate people. You can also call us to make an appointment to come in and start the process of getting your veneers and your new smile.